Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rainbow Colors Matching Song

Tuesday's class started off our brand new 4-week Preschool in Nature session. We talked about how spring brings out so many beautiful colors in nature, and we sang a supersimple song that helped us match up colors (and it also helped us get to know each other!)

(Sung to "If You're Happy and You Know It"):

If you're wearing (red) and know it, clap your hands!

If you're wearing (red) and know it, clap your hands!

If you're wearing (red) and know it...

then your hands will surely show it...

If you're wearing (red) and know it, clap your hands!

Between each color, we stopped to review who was wearing that particular color ("Kaylin's wearing a red shirt... Ian's wearing red shoes!" etc.) This song is always a big favorite with the kidlets: the repetition gives them the time to learn the tune, they get to clap (make physical sounds/move), and they learn each other's names and faces in an easygoing, unstructured way (YAY!)

Matchy Music mp3s:

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