Thursday, September 15, 2011

Adorable Itsy Bitsy Owlets


Sheryl Hastings said...

I love owls! Screech owls are so pretty.

The Ugly Barn Farm said...

Oh my goodness, adorable overload! The music was perfect and seemed to go along with their blinking eyes’, but I have to say, that little guy more towards the back looked pretty moody, that made me LOL. Thanks!

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

OMG! Sometimes when they try to blink, they wink! Aaah! I want one!

April's Homemaking said...

How cute!! Owls are one of my favorites!! Thanks for sharing this fun little video!

PuppyLovePrincess said...

april, paige, & sher: i agree, these owlets are ADORABLE!

the ugly barn farm: you're so right, that one little owlet towards the back looks like the world's cutest owlie supergrump!