Thursday, May 29, 2014

Preschool Reggio Inspired Art: "We Love Nature" Collaborative Mixed Media Heart Collage Painting

Children (ages 3-5) were presented with the title We Love Nature as their provocation, and given an assortment of acrylic paints, paper doilies, art tissue scraps, and heart shape punches.  They painted all sorts of creations including “a bug face with antennae,”  “water snake vines,”  “rainbow pond fish nest,” and “little heart tree.”

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Style Muse: Vera Burr From Bomb Girls

If you haven't seen Bomb Girls, I totally understand.  It's a series from Canada, and here in the US, it airs on a weird TV channel called Reelz that you've probably never even heard of.  But I hear it's also on Netflix, so, if you like old fashioned things, you should seek it out.  It's set in the 1940s, so all the characters have incredible clothes, but my favorite wardrobe is Vera's.  (Spoiler alert:) early in the series she gets injured and her face becomes scarred, but, if you ask me, scar face or not, she always looks the very best. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Rainbow Fish: Collaborative Preschool Painting Collage Art Activity

The (Fancy) Rainbow Fish

I think maybe every child in this country has been read The Rainbow Fish, by Marcus Pfister.  The reason kids like it is because it has super shiny iridescent detailing in the illustrations.  To quote one preschooler, "it's fancy."

We recently studied fish in class, and of course read the fancy book.  This collaborative canvas work was an easy and fun tie-in.  Children were presented with various acrylic paints, iridescent wrapping paper scraps, and art tissue as materials.  They used paint brushes and rubber fish replicas as tools.

Several years ago there was an ECE trend in experiencing the Japanese art of Gyotaku.  This is when children use real dead fish to make prints.  We've never used real fish for three reasons:  1) It's stinks, like, literally, 2) Some children are allergic to fish, 3) In my opinion, it just seems... disrespectful to fish.  We've found the rubber fish replicas work excellently for making paint prints, and they can also double as pretend play props.

Can you spot the seaweed, starfish and sea anemone?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday Music: ScottBradleeLovesYa (& YouWillLoveScottBradlee)

I love old timey things.  If you like old timey things, too, you'll love this stuff.  It's all new timey songs remade in old timey styles:  "Postmodern Jukebox." And the musical talent here is excellent.  I picked two of my favorites for you to absorb.  The first because it's superdreamy.  I play that song over and over on repeat like some freak serial killer character from a scary movie.  The second I chose for you because of the wonderfully CRAZY tambourine man who appears at :44.  This is fun stuff.  Two awesome extras:  1) You can actually buy the sheet music for some of their song rearrangements, and 2) These people are going on tour this summer.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Fun Movies You've Maybe Never Seen Before: The Way, Way Back


 Oh, I reallyreallyREALLY liked this movie.  It's supersweet and funny.  But I must warn you, I teared up several times... so, it will make you a little sad in parts.  And it will make you a little mad in parts, too.  Actually, maybe a lot mad in parts. You will never think of Steve Carell the same way again, because in this movie his character is a HORRIBLE PERSON.  Like, in the first 4 minutes of the movie I wanted to throw the Oreo cookies I was snacking on at the image of his BIG, HORRIBLE PERSON HEAD on my TV.  Even still, like I said, I reallyreallyREALLY liked this movie.  It's a movie about things like choices and kindness and kindred spirits, and it's a quiet reminder that while the world is populated with supercreeps, there are also nonsupercreeps out there.  There's also lots of really awesome cheesy music from the 70s, 80s, and 90s.  In fact, when exactly the story is supposed to be taking place creates an ambiguous-mishmash-of-decades sort of feeling.  I suspect that's purposeful; that it's a way of saying: "This story takes place in present day.  And it took place in the 90s.  And in the 80s and 70s.  And prolly the caveman days, too." 

Anyways,  Here's a scene with Sam Rockwell and that guy from Community:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Style Muse: Olivia Palermo


photos via pinterest

Olivia Palermo is a socialite.  She is also a really really REALLY well-dressed woman.  I think she has fashion superpowers.   Here is the evidence:  She wears some of the most microscopic, shortest skirts you've ever seen on an adult woman, and she always looks 100% ladylike.  Same thing with leather.  She also mixes prints like a crazy person... without ever looking like a crazy person.  She routinely pulls off paisley like it's no biggie.  I've seen her looking fashionable in overalls (YES, OVERALLS!)  And she even somehow makes denim work with... denim.