Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Doris Day, Worldsy Tunes, Inner-Austens


1. PERSON: Doris Day.
Doris Day has made some of the most delightful romantic comedies ever. Pillow Talk is my personal favorite, but she's made lots & lots more. She also has the sweetest-sweetest singing voice (visit this site for tons of free, downloadable mp3 bliss.)

In her "outside-the-industry" real life, Ms. Day is just as delightful. After stepping away from her prior focus on film & music, she now puts her full attention into her many non-profit animal welfare endeavors, including the Doris Day Animal Foundation. And if you're ever lucky enough to be visiting Carmel, CA, she also owns the Cypress Inn (which is not only superprettypretty, but also welcomes cats and dogs!)

Matchy Music: Que Sera Sera mp3, by Doris Day, (Via pcdon.)

2. PLACE: Eardrums Music (Alliance Pact Project Page.) On the 15th of each month, this site puts together "26 blogs from 26 countries to present 26 bands and 26 songs." If you're a musicfreak, you'll reallyreally love visiting; it's such a treat to hear the variety of different types of music, all neatly collected in one spot.

Take a listen to one of my favorite (lovely & kid-friendly) songs featured for July: Un, Deux, Trois, mp3 by raised-in-France chanteuse Jessica Fichot.

3. THING: The Jane Austen Book Club. This is a movie, based on a book, about a book club with members whose characters are based on characters from books. Sounds confusing, right? But it's actually not.

Here's the plot: a group of ladies form a book club, and each time they meet they talk about a different Jane Austen book (which shouldn't come as a surprise, because, duh, that's sort of evident in the name of the movie, right?) Anyways, as the movie unfolds, you can start seeing different Austen characters within each of the book club members. It's quite girlishly, nerdishly-delicious to find yourself saying "Ah-ha! That one is a total Fanny Price!" And really, hasn't every Austen-lover mused over which Austen character they found most like themselves?

I am Emma Woodhouse!

Take the Quiz here!

Besides the clever concept, the relationship stories-within-the-story are relatable, sweet, and sad-silly, PG13-hilarious. 100% (grownup) girly-girl. Perfect viewing for those lazy, jammies-all-day days :)

So, those are three things I love right now. If you have a blog, maybe you'll want to try sharing three things weekly or monthly, or wheneverly. Then there'll be six happy things, then nine, then... maybe one day...2,400! Yay for happy things!

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