Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Since today is all about dads, I thought I'd share two of my favorite, recently-discovered dadcentric-themed movie picks:

Dan in Real life (A Romantic Dramedy, rated PG13, staring Steve Carell and Juliet Binoche.) This is a heartwarming little movie about a big crazy family, life with daughters, getting through grief, and love-love-love. Very Parenthoody, but more modern, sophisticated, and warm. I saw the trailer and it looked pretty boring, but the actual movie was a wonderfully sweet surprise. In my opinion, this one's prolly best for teens and up :)

Kit Kittredge (A Family Film, rated G, staring Abigail Breslin, Julia Ormand, and Chris O'Donnell.) This movie's based on a product (the American Girl dolls), so I thought it would be reallysuperLAME, but, as is sometimes the case...I was wayway wrong! Remember those great old fashioned Hayley Mills Disney movies?... This movie feels like those... it's a kind, wholesome movie about the Great Depression, told through the eyes of a little girl. It tackles delicate economic issues honestly but gently, and focuses on the importance of perseverance, optimism, friends, and family (a perfect choice for Grandparent visits.)

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