Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little Laura, Happy Hype, Instant Animal Masks


1. PERSON: Laura Marling. Yet another wonderful girly singer who you're sure to fall in love with. I tend to fluctuate my stalking from kooky, happy, upbeat singers to kooky, sweetlysemigloomy, slightly-darkish singers. Laura's more on the sweetlysemigloomy, slightly-darkish side :)

Take a peek at her felt-story-inspired(?) video for Ghosts (mp3 via Blisslist):

..and paper-crafts-creative My Manic And I (mp3 via Blisslist):

2. PLACE: The Hype Machine. This is a wonderful site that searches through established blogs for mp3s from all the new & quirky-cool musicians. You can sample entire songs for free, and then link your way to where to buy them. This is my new first stop before heading to itunes... I LOVE IT (thanks, Heather, for the rec.)!

3. THING: Instant Animal Masks. Ever seen those paper plates with the cute animal faces on them? Marie from Make and Takes came up with a brilliant semihandmade use: turn those suckers into semihandmade masks! It's easy: you can pretty much just cut out eye holes and then hot glue/tape on a Popsicle stick. Pretend play is wonderful for a kidlet's imagination... (show me how your animal moves... how does your animal sound?... what does your animal eat?...) And wouldn't these be fun for a zoo or farm themed party? Love this idea.

So, those are three things I love right now. If you have a blog, maybe you'll want to try sharing three weekly things, too... then there'll be six happy things, then nine, then... maybe one week...2,400!

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