Monday, April 27, 2009

Bat For Lashes, Yogurtland, Penelope

These are my THREE THINGS I LOVE RIGHT NOW for this week:

PERSON: Bat For Lashes (AKA Natasha Khan.) Wow. This is my latest favorite girly singer. I think you'll like her, too. Her newest album is really cool, her older stuff is just as interesting, and her cover songs are awesome. I especially love Travelling Woman, The Forest (The Cure cover), and the three gems that follow. Listen, listen, listen, and look, look, look:

(very Donnie Darko)

(Karate Kid inspired... no, really, I'm not kidding, it actually, truly was...)

PLACE: Yogurtland. My brother introduced me to this place and it's just won-der-ful! They have a zillion flavors and you get to serve yourself any combination you like. So if you've ever got a hankering (yes, I said "hankering") for a special peanut butter-mango-pumpkin-mint chip concoction, this is the place to go. You can also choose whatever serving size you prefer, from teenytinytaste-sized to giantgiantbucket-sized, and the same goes for toppings (whatever combination, however much you like.) Then the Yogurtlandians weigh your finished masterpiece, and the price is based on... the weight. The yogurt is yummy, the toppings are actually fresh (some are even healthy!), and what's best is that the prices (at least for my concoctions) are really great (much lower than our local Golden Spoon.) Our location has the nicestever employees, and they're totally kid-friendly (pup-friendly, too, if you don't mind munching alfresco.) I loooove Yogurtland...

...this guy not so much... (be sure to bring puppy treats for your more carnivorous-leaning canine friends.)

THING: Penelope. The movie. I love it. Penelope has a swing in her bedroom. She creates lovely terrariums. And I suspect she shops at Anthropologie.

(pretty soundtrack, yes?)

So, those are three things I love right now. If you have a blog, maybe you'll want to try sharing three weekly things, too... then there'll be six happy things, then nine, then... maybe one week...2,400!

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