Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Spring is finally here! Now is the perfect time to get creative with colorful, flowery, outdoors-inspired, preschooler-approved projects like these yummy, girly quiche-minis from Gourmet Mom on the Go, (shown above...)

...broken-china stepping stones from Nature Notes From Above (you can also get supply kits at Michael's, or you might even try making fun patterns using non-sharp, kidlet-friendly marbles, instead...)

...bright & cheerful painted garden sticks from Sweet Things (good, messy fun...)

...kidlet-version woodland terrariums, from Thompson Family Life...

... clever color-sorting nature boxes from Coastal Girl ...

...gnome stones from Preschool Rock (besides tiny houses & people, you can also paint animals, flowers, words or anything else... it's even fun to just glob on your favorite swirled colors. Plop your pretties in the garden, to keep the plants company as they grow...)

"In the Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." ~Margaret Atwood

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