Saturday, February 28, 2009

No-Rules-Allowed Coffee Filter Butterflies

This is a craft preschoolers have been making for yearsandyearsandyears. Some teachers seem to be addicted to that old-fashioned, stepsy, cookie-cutter crafts format...

AH! Rules and art reallyREALLY just don't go together!

Instead of simply encouraging "direction following"...(robotkids, anyone?), I like to emphasize as much open-endedness & creativity as possible without inciting absolute chaos (let's help nurture some future inventors, scientists, artists, and leaders, maybe?)... It's so much more fun that way, less-rushed, and the kids always make the most superpretty, 100% unique, truly personalized stuff. Give it a try and see for yourself how brilliant & imaginative little minds really are...

Here's What You Need:
* Coffee Filter
* Markers
* Clothespin
* Decorative Goodies (pipe cleaners, pompoms, buttons, beads, paint, rhinestones, glitter, beans, pasta, etc. Just dump handfuls of materials out on a table...)
* Craft Glue
* Water Spray Bottle

Here's What You Do:
1. Decorate your clothespin however you like, and let dry, if needed.
2. Color your coffee filter (however you'd like!) with markers.
3. Gather the filter in the center, creating a set of wings (grownups can help.)
4. Cinch the center with your clothespin.
5. Spray the filter wings til they're wet, and the colors run together.
6. Allow to dry.
7. Take your butterfly out for a nectar-sipping walk.
8. Float, flutter, fly...

Cutesy Tips: These look pretty on the fridge... just press a sticky magnet on the back. You can also string several butterflies together and create a garland, mobile or door hanging... lovely, lovely, lovely...

Butterfly FunFact: Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet? For even more truly incredible butterfly facts, visit the San Diego Zoo's wonderful Animal Bytes Site :)

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