Thursday, February 12, 2009

Easy Kinder Heart Craft

This Valentine's Day craft from 4 Crazy Kings is great for building fine motor skills. Some superlittleones will prolly find it tricky, but most older preschoolers, kinders, & up will likely lovelovelove the creation process. Detailed instructions are on the site, but in a nutshell, you pretty much just thread beads onto fuzzy pipe cleaners and twist into a heart shape (warning: make sure your bead holes are big enough for the pipe cleaners to fit!... And remember to supervise oral-curious smaller children so you won't end up with a creepy choking situation...)

You can make a pretty garland, door hanging, or mobile by linking them. Mix it up by using just Valentinesy color beads, favorite colors only, or make it officially rainbowish by stringing rainbow colors in correct succession. Possible sciencey learning links: colors, rainbows, shapes, sorting, matter, patterns, textures :)

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